Limba română

How to Become a Member

Any legal or natural person (partnerships, institutions, organizations, associations, foundations) who have activities in the Associations’ area of interest can be a member of RLRA. The categories of members are:

  1. Members with full rights;
  2. Supporting members;
  3. Honorary members.

The following steps must be fulfilled in order to become member of the association:

The adhesion requests will be subjected for vote in the General Assembly of the Association.

The supporting members will be accepted in the same conditions as the members with full rights, but they will not pay the fee, will not contribute to the decision making process, cannot be elected in positions of responsibility and cannot represent the Association.

The honorary members are the individuals with outstanding professional and scientific achievements in the lobby area or in fields related to it; honorary members are also individuals who supported or support the Association in achieving its purpose, or who substantially support the development and the rise of the Association’ representativeness in the Romanian or international social life. They are accepted at the proposal of the Association President and with the approval of the General Assembly.

We invite you to participate in turning the decision making processes in Romania in more transparent ones: If you want to become members of The Romanian Lobbying Registry Association, access: this page. If you wish to send us suggestions or proposals to improve the transparency of the decision making processes, use our e-mail address: propuneri [at]


Romanian Transparency Register