Limba română

Data Protection

This section presents the way The Romanian Lobbying Registry Association use the information you provide within the Register to the interests groups representatives in Romania.

1. The purpose and objectives of “The Transparency Register”
The Romanian Lobbying Registry Association have decided to create a Registry available to all the representatives of interests groups involved in influencing the decision taken at the level of public institutions in Romania. The purpose of the “The Transparency Register”, further named “The Registry” is to provide information regarding the interests groups’ representative scenery. The Registry is accessible to the public on the Internet and is managed by the Romanian Lobbying Registry Association.

The Registry contains an optional registration system on the Internet and offers certain advantages to registered representatives. Among these advantages, there are:

  • Promoting activities and services, as well as bringing into public knowledge the lobby, advocacy and interests’ representation activities.
  • Assuming the integrity and transparency commitment by signing the Ethics Code available on the Registry webpage; this is mandatory when registering.
  • The perspective of sharing the Registry with public institutions (Parliament, Government, Ministries), for the automatic accreditation of those registered within these institutions.

2. What kind of information is collected and how is it used?
During the registration, the persons and organizations will have to answer several questions: who are they, who they represent, what their mission is and what interests they have represented the previous year. This information is collected through the online form, available on the same web page.

The data regarding contacts, collected through the registration interface, will be available to those interested on the Registry web page, if you opt for this.

All the information is collected and published only for the specific purposes mentioned in this confidentiality statement.

3. Who has access to information regarding you and your organization?
The Registry is available on the Internet for the public to consult. An exception is the data of the contact, if it is opted for this.

All the information can be subsequently transmitted to the central legislative and administrative structures, but not to third parties.

The list with the user and passwords is managed by the administrator authorized by the Registry. The administrator can delete certain information, if he finds out the information is not updated or incorrect, if the objectives and/or actions of the registered organization or person are against the Ethics Code and the national laws, or if the language used is inadequate or licentious. In this case, the registered person or organization will be notified on the procedure applied by the Romanian Lobbying Registry Association regarding the delete of an entry in the data base.

4. How do we protect the information transmitted to us?
Immediately after the form is forwarded, your answers are registered in a secure and protected data base, stocked on a server used by the Romanian Lobbying Registry Association. The identification date of your organization is transmitted to this server on a secure route (throughout the SSL – Secure Sockets Layer network).

The details of the contact are published on the web page, only if the person opts for this.

5. How can you check, modify or delete the information related to you?
The registry is operating based on consent. The permission to modify the registered data is given in any moment only to users, who have a user name and a password. Therefore, you can make the modification wanted in any moment, using the web interface of the Registry and connecting with your user name and password you received at registration. You can check if the information is correct and to corrected it if it’s necessary, accessing the same web interface.

If the organization who requested the information to be deleted wishes to re-register, it will be necessary to provided all the data again.

6. For what period of time to we keep the information in our data base?

Your information will be kept throughout the registration or until it is found that this information is not updated or that it is incorrect. You have to update at least once a year – if not, the information will be deleted from the public web-site.

7. Contact information
If you have questions regarding this electronic service or any other information processed in its context, don’t hesitate to contact the assistance team, by using the contact form available on the site.

We invite you to participate in turning the decision making processes in Romania in more transparent ones: If you want to become members of The Romanian Lobbying Registry Association, access: this page. If you wish to send us suggestions or proposals to improve the transparency of the decision making processes, use our e-mail address: propuneri [at]


Romanian Transparency Register