Limba română

About the Registry

The Romanian Transparency Register is a replica of The Registry constituted at The European Commission level.

The Romanian Transparency Register is created and maintained by the Romanian Lobbying Registry Association and it is a database available not only to the members of the Association but to all organizations and persons activating in the interest representation area. All the organizations and persons wishing to register have the opportunity to demonstrate the legitimacy of their activities as well as their commitment on promoting the transparency.

By registering, representatives of the interest groups assume the obligation to respect the provisions of the Ethics Code promoted by the Romanian Lobbying Registry Association, without having the obligation of becoming members of the Association.

The Romanian Lobbying Registry Association assumed the objective of creating this interest groups Registry, not only so the influencing process to be more transparent but also for a more efficient cooperation between the factors of decision and those wishing to influence the decisions. Thus, after accumulating a sufficient number of registrations in the Registry, the Association will undertake all the steps required to share it with the public institutions (Parliament, Government, Ministries), so those registered within these institutions to be automatically accredited.

We invite you to participate in turning the decision making processes in Romania in more transparent ones: If you want to become members of The Romanian Lobbying Registry Association, access: this page. If you wish to send us suggestions or proposals to improve the transparency of the decision making processes, use our e-mail address: propuneri [at]


Romanian Transparency Register